Thursday, 29 September 2016

Additional Work - Intertextuality Within Films/Programmes/Cartoons

Intertextuality Within Films/Programmes/Cartoons

Image result for enchanted giselle cinderellaIn the movie 'Enchanted' (2007) Giselle is represented as Cinderella. We can see this in the scene were she cleans Robert's apartment. She calls different animals to come help her by singing a melody out the window. After a few seconds animals including rats, cockroaches and pigeons appear and help Giselle to clean the apartment as they all sing and dance.

Image result for simpsons tweenlight

In the Simpsons in the episode Tweenlight 'Treehouse of Horror' which aired on Halloween, we see Lisa falling in love with a vampire, even though she is a human. This is a representation of the movie series ‘Twilight'. This links to the target audience of younger girls, as girls aged from 12-15 normally have silly crushes and think they fall in love. The target audience for the movie Twilight is also close to the one of the Simpsons so young girls would enjoy the episode. It links to the entertainment part of the Uses and Gratifications theory.

Image result for intertextuality in shrekIn the movie 'Shrek' the character Pinocchio is represented as liar. However, he tries his hardest to say the truth as he wants to turn back into a little boy. He achieves it once but quickly after he turns back into a wooden toy. This character was used as he is popular due to a lot of people watching the movie “Pinocchio”. It caused the audience to have a nostalgic feeling due to the character being very old and the movie “Shrek” modernised him.
Image result for intertextuality in shrek
Also in 'Shrek' in the scene where Fiona is with her other princess friends, they are represented as the original disney princess; Aurora, Cinderella ect. However they are portrayed to be more tough. 

Wednesday, 28 September 2016

Additional Work - Applying Theories To The Lion King

I have decided to analyses the movie "The Lion King" and try to apply different theories to it.

Image result for the lion king film
Uses And Gratification Theory 

I believe only one of the four reasons why people watch media is applicable to this movie which is entertainment. It is a funny family movie with a lot of great songs causing it to be pleasurable to watch both for adults and children.

Todrov's Narrative Theory 

I believe the story does follow Todrov's theory. Stage 1 - Equilibrium - all the animals live in peace and baby Simba is born. Stage 2 - Distrubtion - Mufasa dies and Simba runes away. Stage 3 - Problem - Scar takes over the throne and Simba is missing (With Timon and Pumba). Stage 4 - Action - Nala meets Simba and tells him all about the kingdom. This causes Simba, Timon and Pumba to go back and take back the throne from Scar (Simba's evil uncle). Stage 5 - Equilibrium - As a team they defeat Scar, resulting in Simba taking over his fathers throne. The animal kingdom is back to peace.

Propp's Character Theory

Propp's also believed in a set order of events which is quite similar to Todrov's. He also believed that there are always certain character types in every narrative;
    Image result for the lion king simba and nala
  1. The hero/ seeker hero - Simba
  2. The villain - Scar
  3. The ‘princess’ or prize - The throne / Nala
  4. The donor - /
  5. The dispatcher - Nala / Rafiki
  6. The (magical) helper - Timon & Pumba
  7. The prize protector / King - /

Levi-Strauss Narrative Theory

The binary oppositions that occur in this narrative are; Good vs Evil (Simba vs Scar), Weak vs Strong (Timon & Pumba vs the lions) and Lion vs Lion (Simba vs Scar or Mufasa vs Scar).

Roland Barthes Narrative Theory

In the movie some action codes are used. For example when Scar plans to kill Mufasa, and causes a herd of hyenas to run after him and Simba. When we see the herd we know something bad is about to happen.
Image result for the lion king filmImage result for the lion king simba and nala

Additional Work - Narrative & Audience Theories

Different Theories

The Hypodermic Needle Audience Theory

Image result for big brotherThe hypodermic needle theory suggests that the media can cause the audience to have certain ideas, attitudes and beliefs. However, the media can affect people in different ways so this theory does not always work. Furthermore, nowadays the audiences are much more aware of different ideas being thrown onto them. It is passive causing some people just take it in. For example, in the news the media sometimes crops pictures to give a certain perspective of someone. This causes the audience to have a negative associations with that person due to the media wanting them to be shown in a bad light.

Uses & Gratifications Theory

The uses and gratification theory informs us about the 4 reasons why people watch the media: Information, Personal identity, Integration & Social interaction and Entertainment. Information is when we want to find out more about what is happening in the world. Shows that offer that are ‘Loose Women’ and ‘Eastenders’. People watch shows like ‘Eastenders’ as they help them explore themselves more as an individual. Integration & social interaction helps us to empathise/sympathise with different people or events that happened around the world. An example of that is the news. Lastly, it says that people watch the media for entertainment. This allows them to relax for the evening and watch something pleasurable like ‘Big Brother'.

Todrov’s Narrative Theory  

Image result for cinderellaTodrov believed that every narrative has to go through 5 stages. The first stage is the equilibrium when everything is balanced and calm. The next stage is ‘Disruption’ when something goes wrong upsetting the balance. Stage 3 is ‘Recognition’ where the characters notice what upset the balance. Stage 4 is ‘Action’ where the characters try to bring back the balance by working together. Stage 5 is when the balance is back due to the equilibrium being restored. An example of movies that follow this theory is Maleficent, Shrek and Fast & Furious. 

Propp’s Character Theory 

Propp argued that a combination of some events occur in every story. The events include; preparation, complication, transference, struggle, return and recognition. He also believed that here are always certain character types in every narrative; 
  1. The hero/ seeker hero
  2. The villain
  3. The ‘princess’ or prize
  4. The donor
  5. The dispatcher
  6. The (magical) helper
  7. The prize protector/ King
An example of movies that follow this theory are Cinderella, Enchanted and Frozen.

Levi-Strauss Narrative Theory

Levi-Strauss believed in binary oppositions in a story. He looked at the conflict between two qualities e.g. weak vs strong, love vs hate and good vs evil.

Roland Barthes Narrative Theory

Barthes believed that a story can be told through a series of codes that are used to control the way in which the audience receives information. The two most important where Action and Enigma Codes. Enigma Codes are used to tease the audience by showing them a puzzle that has to be solved. Action Codes are signs used to tell us that something is about to happen - building tension.

Sunday, 25 September 2016

Tuesday, 20 September 2016

Additional Work - Titanic Trailer Analysis

Titanic is about a high class seventeen year old girl falling in love with a lower class yet kind boy. It is a romance as well as a drama. We can tell that the movie is a romance due to the storyline of the 2 main characters falling in love throughout the duration of the movie. The drama element links to this due to the class difference of the pair. Back in 1912 it was seen badly to talk to people that are below your class. We can also tell that it is a drama due to heroine's family and fiance reacting and witnessing the pair getting closer.

Image result for titanic movie poster
One of the denotations that frequently appear in the movie is the vast cruise ship the "Titanic". The connotations of it can be a great get away from your normal life. Back in those days it was a once in a lifetime opportunity, therefore for some people like the hero it was life changing. The ship could also connote the idea of having a good time and experience - a break from reality. Another detonation is the clothing and jewellery the heroine wears. It connotes that she is quite wealthy and sophisticated. Furthermore, it reflects her being an aristocrat. The cars that are shown in the trailer suggest the year that the movie is set in due to them looking old fashioned and quite posh. The connotations can be wealth, power and prestige.

At the beginning of the movie the cruise ship is presented as the greatest thing that happened in a long time, as people were shown to be very excited as boarding it. However, towards the end of the movie the "Titanic" was shown to be more of a tragedy due to the ship hitting the iceberg and thousands of people dying, during its first and last voyage. Also the heroine is presented as appreciative and quite easy going as she allows the hero to show her what happens downstairs where the middle class people stay instead of a fancy restaurant. She gives of a good impression due to her being able to loosen up.

I think the theory that most applies to this trailer is the Uses and Gratifications Theory. The Uses and Gratifications Theory says that there are 4 main reasons why people watch the media ; a romance/drama movie. I think the 2 that apply most are information and entertainment. It applies to information due to the fact that a ship named "Titanic" actually did sink in 1912 by hitting an iceberg. So people might want to watch the movie for a visual representation of the accident. They can also just watch it for entertainment in their spare time, as the movie does put you on edge at times.

Link To Trailer

Monday, 12 September 2016

Intro - My First Post!


For my Media Studies AS Foundation Portfolio I have 2 tasks. My preliminary task is the sixth form magazine cover page. I am going to be posting all my progress on this blog and using it as a personal diary. I am going to be posting all my planning which will lead up to the final main task. The main task is a 4 page music magazine spread including a cover page, a context page and a double spread.

My school magazine will be aimed at sixth form student - both male and female. Due to this my colour scheme can not be generalized by gender, so I am thinking to use colours like grey, navy, white and black.The magazine can be about anything that relates to school and is appropriate to my target audience. Furthermore, I want the magazine to be published every month and for it to be available at all times in the sixth form base. It will be free of charge and help students know what is happening during the month in school; events, inset days ect. Also some of the issues will be themed; prom, leavers and any major results (A-level). My masthead will be related to my target audience so its clear which magazine is suited for them.

For both of my magazines covers I will need to think about the masthead, hook, typography, teasers, skyline and button. These are all stereotypical conventions of a magazine cover which will help people notice it.