Different Theories
The Hypodermic Needle Audience Theory
The hypodermic needle theory suggests that the media can cause the audience to have certain ideas, attitudes and beliefs. However, the media can affect people in different ways so this theory does not always work. Furthermore, nowadays the audiences are much more aware of different ideas being thrown onto them. It is passive causing some people just take it in. For example, in the news the media sometimes crops pictures to give a
certain perspective of someone. This causes the audience to have a negative
associations with that person due to the media wanting them to be shown in a
bad light.
Uses & Gratifications Theory
The uses and gratification theory informs us about the 4 reasons why people watch the media: Information, Personal identity, Integration & Social interaction and Entertainment. Information is when we want to find out more about what is happening in the world. Shows that offer that are ‘Loose Women’ and ‘Eastenders’. People watch shows like ‘Eastenders’ as they help them explore themselves more as an individual. Integration & social interaction helps us to empathise/sympathise with different people or events that happened around the world. An example of that is the news. Lastly, it says that people watch the media for entertainment. This allows them to relax for the evening and watch something pleasurable like ‘Big Brother'.
Todrov’s Narrative Theory
Todrov believed that every narrative has to go through 5 stages. The first stage is the equilibrium when everything is balanced and calm. The next stage is ‘Disruption’ when something goes wrong upsetting the balance. Stage 3 is ‘Recognition’ where the characters notice what upset the balance. Stage 4 is ‘Action’ where the characters try to bring back the balance by working together. Stage 5 is when the balance is back due to the equilibrium being restored. An example of movies that follow this theory is Maleficent, Shrek and Fast & Furious.
Propp’s Character Theory
Propp argued that a combination of some events occur in every story. The events include; preparation, complication, transference, struggle, return and recognition. He also believed that here are always certain character types in every narrative;
- The hero/ seeker hero
- The villain
- The ‘princess’ or prize
- The donor
- The dispatcher
- The (magical) helper
- The prize protector/ King
An example of movies that follow this theory are Cinderella, Enchanted and Frozen.
Levi-Strauss Narrative Theory
Levi-Strauss believed in binary oppositions in a story. He looked at the conflict between two qualities e.g. weak vs strong, love vs hate and good vs evil.
Roland Barthes Narrative Theory
Barthes believed that a story can be told through a series of codes that are used to control the way in which the audience receives information. The two most important where Action and Enigma Codes. Enigma Codes are used to tease the audience by showing them a puzzle that has to be solved. Action Codes are signs used to tell us that something is about to happen - building tension.