I believe that my magazine cover turned out to be quite successful. I used a wide variety of many conventions of a real magazine cover. I have used a masthead "The Sixth Voice" which is quite clear due to its size. Furthermore, I used 3 different types of typography. The first one can be seen on my masthead. The font is bold and it is similar to the American college style of writing. The text has a gradient of light to dark blue, as this was part of my colour scheme. Blue represents trust and prestige, which links to the magazine. There is a white outline to emphasises the text even more. The second type of font that I used is " Prom Special". The font is bold with swirls to show off the occasion - prom. The colour of the font is also a blue (with a purple tint) to carry on the theme. It has a black outline and a white glow to show the importance and sophistication of the occasion. The last font I used was on the quote "It was a night to remember". This font is the most swirly and feminine. It is in the colour white to stand out on the dark background and connotes perfection.
The magazine would be published every month, and be available to read/get at the sixth form base. There would most likely be a magazine comity which would be in charge of the cover and stories. However, everyone would be able to suggest ideas. A monthly distribution would be good as it can include all the important dates and events/clubs happening throughout the month. Also some of the, could be themed e.g. October - Halloween or December - Christmas.
My target audience is 6th former males and females. The masthead implies that the magazine is made for sixth formers due to the word "sixth". Also the word "Voice" suggest that they write it and have a large input of what can be found inside the magazine.
I have learnt about the basics of photoshop. At the start it was a little difficult to know how to add all the special effects but as I went on I got more comfortable with using the different tools e.g. glow,magic wand and stroke.
Throughout this task I learned how to apply my choices and ideas onto a blank photoshop canvas. Furthermore, I have learned about the conventions of a magazine and how to analyse them in a variety of examples. Thirdly, I have learnt to use different effects in photoshop which caused my cover to look better and more realistic. If I was to do this again I would add a issue number onto my cover and a skyline for it to be even more realistic. However, overall I am pleased with my final outcome.
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